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Broaden and unlocked General Managers/Executives’ potential in carrying out his /her daily tasks


General Managers/ Executives/ Vocational Leaders will be guided by senior and experienced leaders to share knowledge, best practices and new hotel trends with new normal conditions with colleagues who took part in this program.


At the end of this program, it will be expected that they will get a new hotel management paradigm, and the keys to solve curent problems.


After 6 months, we will monitor the participants whether HELIC can assist and provide additional tips in solving their issues.

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Hospitality Executive Learning Center


    Indonesia is blessed with a wide variety of cultural and natural abundance. As the largest archipelago in the world, we have many islands as our cultural heritage. Tourism is one of the most important economic sectors in Indonesia. This sector is the biggest foreign exchange earner, after the oil & gas, and oil palm sector.

    Therefore, PT Nusantara Hospitality Insani determined to help the development of tourism in Indonesia through a comprehensive Human Capital training/ hybrid learning to prepare a competent, professional, creative and innovative team. The hospitality industry is a people-based industry, meaning that they involve a lot of labor. Employees are the main asset of the company. As we all know that the key to success in hospitality industry is determined by the satisfaction of guests by the service and hospitality provided by the hotel employees, from the top management, to the officers in the field.

    With our programs such as, the General Manager Program and Professional Development Program, we expect the labor can meet the need to support the success of a hotel in serving its guests, as well as innovative strategy in the field of hospitality and hotel industry.

    Rully Zulkarnain

    President Director



    Indonesia is blessed with a wide variety of cultural and natural abundance. As the largest archipelago in the world, we have many islands as our cultural heritage. Tourism is one of the most important economic sectors in Indonesia. This sector is the biggest foreign exchange earner, after the oil & gas, and oil palm sector.

    Therefore, PT Nusantara Hospitality Insani determined to help the development of tourism in Indonesia through a comprehensive Human Capital training/ hybrid learning to prepare a competent, professional, creative and innovative team. The hospitality industry is a people-based industry, meaning that they involve a lot of labor. Employees are the main asset of the company. As we all know that the key to success in hospitality industry is determined by the satisfaction of guests by the service and hospitality provided by the hotel employees, from the top management, to the officers in the field.

    With our programs such as, the General Manager Program and Professional Dev. Program, we expect the labor can meet the need to support the success of a hotel in serving its guests, as well as innovative strategy in the field of hospitality and hotel industry.

    Rully Zulkarnain

    President Director



    Create atmosphere and environment of hospitality


    Adhere the standards of excellence in order to deliver service excellence including quality assurance , health and safety


    Reflect loyalty in profession and institution.


    Demonstrate integrity in all our relationship.


    Show the commitment in achieving high quality performance of our business

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